How Has the History and Understanding of African Art Been Influenced by Colonialism?

leslie amine header contemporary african art
Leslie Amine, Sans titre, 2018, available on Artsper

The concept of contemporary African art has e'er been very difficult to ascertain. Only for good reason; the continent spans 54 countries, each with its ain unique culture, traditions and social structures. Moreover, the enormous diaspora caused by colonialism further complicates this definition. Consequently, defining an exact thought of African contemporary fine art is and looks like is impossible. There are some key factors we can look at to understand what has fabricated the African art scene what it is today. Let Artsper introduce you to the beginnings of the African contemporary fine art, its journeying into the mainstream and a picayune of what the scene looks like today.

The origins of contemporary African art: Négritude and Mail service-Colonialism


Négritude was primarily a literary motion led by the writers Aimé Césaire, Léon Damas and Léopold Sédar Senghor. It played a huge role in the evolution of modern African art, and subsequently gimmicky African fine art. Founded in 1937 by a grouping of African student artists in Paris, a metropolis with a tolerant and diverse art scene, the movement grew globally. The movement aimed to critique colonialism and cultivate an appreciation for black and African culture. According to Léopold Sédar Senghor, in order for African art to progress it had to reflect the modernity of the present by responding to contemporary social issues and creative styles, while celebrating traditional culture.

Visual art within the movement focuses on these key principles. Information technology also draws inspiration from other Modernist movements such every bit the Harlem Renaissance and Surrealism. One of the nigh significant visual artists of the movement is Guyanese painter Aubrey Williams. The artist frequently used abstraction every bit a ways to avoid being stereotyped into a Westernized, narrow view of African art. Furthermore, the bailiwick matter of his piece of work is often criticism of colonial regimes. For instance, his painting Decease and the Conquistador explores the savagery of the Spanish colonization of the Americas.

Aubrey Williams contemporary african art
Aubrey Williams, Expiry and the Conquistador, 1959

Decolonization was a lengthy process, spanning a 50 year menstruum, until Southward Africa's eventual independence from a white-ruled regime in 1994. In the aftermath of Negritude and colonial criticism, African artists began to experiment with new fine art styles and explore new themes that arose in this period of fundamental change.
In improver, a shift away from abstraction towards conceptual fine art was made.

One prominent style was found-object fine art. This art created with found and recycled materials remains a pop fine art form on the continent today. One central found-object creative person is anti-war activist and sculptor Gonçalo Mabunda from Mozambique. Mabunda creates his works from weapon parts nerveless by the Christian Council of Mozambique after the 20 year civil war. Through his art, he transforms expiry into new life.

Gonçalo Mabunda contemporary african art
Part of a sculptural art installation past Gonçalo Mabunda

Increasing Recognition of Gimmicky African Art in Western Circles

In the late 20th century, several African art exhibitions in the West were instrumental in popularizing African art. In 1989, the Middle Pompidou in Paris debuted the exhibition "Magiciens de la terre". It explored various kinds of art from outside the Western world. This exhibition was the impetus for several other key African exhibitions. which aimed to educate and celebrate gimmicky African art and artists. One case is "7 Stories about Modern Art in Africa" exhibited in 1995. Curated by African curators at the Whitechapel Gallery, it exhibited the artworks of 60 artists as a guide to African modernistic art history.

The Gimmicky African Art Scene in 2021

Contemporary African Art Galleries and Museums Making an Touch on

The contempo boom of African fine art in the market has pb to huge investment on the continent. An increasing number of creative venues are being established, and many more art fairs and exhibitions are being held on the continent itself.

Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Fine art Africa in Cape Town, Southward Africa, has go the heart of African contemporary fine art. Founded in 2017, the museum features both established and emerging African artists, exhibiting almost exclusively artwork from the 21st century.

Another hub of gimmicky African fine art is the Museum of African Contemporary Art Al Maaden in Marrakech, Kingdom of morocco. Founded in 2018, the fine art museum is home to an incredible permanent African art collection. Every bit well every bit this, it hosts a diverse range of rotating exhibitions featuring African artists.

Many African countries' national museums are also home to expansive collections of traditional, ancient and tribal African art. One such instance is the Cairo Museum in Arab republic of egypt, dwelling house to the world's about complete collection of Egyptian art.

African Artists on the Rise

African artists in the wake of central change have but further diversified their use of fine art styles and mediums. In the spirit of Negritude and post-colonialism, they go along to explore the complexity of African identity in 2021.

Franco-Beninese creative person Leslie Amine is heavily influenced by African diaspora. She explores the themes through her work of race, being biracial, and split cultural identity through her dreamlike, colorful paintings.

Meanwhile, Gabonese photographer Yannis Davy Guibinga uses his fine art to document a new generation of Africans who unapologetically gloat their cultural heritage in spite of Western cultural imperialism. He rejects the narrow Western-gaze mold of African identity and instead highlights the diverseness of African identity.

What Next?

Although undergoing rapid expansion, contemporary African fine art remains only a tiny function of the art market, notwithstanding in recovery from the cultural and economic damage caused past centuries of colonialism. However, with the incredible assortment of contemporary artists emerging from the continent, also as the evolution of contemporary cultural spaces, in that location's no uncertainty that this is only the beginning of a globe-leading art scene.


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