Python to String Easy Function for Variable

In this Python tutorial, we will discuss how to create a string in python. Here we will also see the Python create string examples:

  • Create a string in Python
  • How to create a string from a list in Python
  • Ceate a string of n characters in Python
  • Python create a string with variables
  • Create a string with newline in Python
  • How to create a string of same character in Python
  • Create a string from Python dictionary
  • How to create a string with double quotes in Python
  • Python create string from list of characters
  • Python create string from list with separator
  • How to create string with single quotes in Python
  • How to create string with multiple variables in Python

Python String

Strings are a sequence of characters. A character can be a number, letter, special character, etc. A string can contain spaces and there is no limit on how many characters it should contain.

A string is an immutable data type in python that cannot be changed once we declare it in a program.

Create a string in Python

Now, we will see how to create a string in python or how to declare a string in python?

We can declare a string in python in three ways

1- Using single quotes(' ')

You can declare a string using single quotes(' '). Let,s see an example


          print('Hello PythonGuides!')        

Output will be

          Hello PythonGuides!        

2- Using double quotes(" ")

You can declare a string using double quotes(" "). Let,s see an example

          print("Hello PythonGuides!!")        

Output will be

          Hello PythonGuides!!        

3- Using triple quotes('" "') .

You can declare a string using triple quotes('" '"). Let,s see an example

          print("Hello PythonGuides!!!")        

Output will be

          Hello PythonGuides!!!        

Now let's run all these three formats and see the output.

Create a string in Python
Create a string in Python

You can put the quotes inside the string by keeping a backslash(\) directly before the quotes.

For example:

          print ("Hello, \"I love python!\"")        

Output will be

          Hello, "I love python!"        
create a string in Python
How to Create a string in Python

The above Python code we can use to create a string in Python.

You may like Python string formatting with examples.

How to declare and assign a variable to a string in Python

Now, let us see how to declare and assign a variable to a string in Python.

Put the sequence of characters inside a single quote (' ') or double quotes(" ") or triple quotes(""" """) or ("' "') to create the string and then assign it to a variable.

To assign it to a variable, we can use the variable name and "=" operator.

For Example:

          x = "Python Guides!" y = 'Python Guides!!' z = """ Python Guides!!! """  print(x) print(y) print(z)        
Create a string and assign it to a variable
declare and assign a variable to a string

Normally single and double quotes are used to assign a string with a single line of character but triple quotes are used to assign a string with multi-lines of character.

This is how to declare and assign a variable to a string in Python.

Read: Append to a string Python.

Multiline strings in python

We can use triple quotes (""" """) or ("' "') to assign a multiline string to a variable.

For Example:

          x = """ Python Guides,         I love Python,         Python is the best!!. """  y = ''' Python Guides,         I love Python,         Python is the best!. '''  print(x)  print(y)        


          Python Guides,         I love Python,         Python is the best!!.   Python Guides,         I love Python,         Python is the best!.                  

See the output here

Multiline strings in python
Multiline strings in python

Read Python print without newline

Python Create a string

  • Here we will see, how to create a string in Python.
  • We can use the single or double quotes to declare strings in python.
  • Python does not have a character dtype, a character is simply a string with a length.
  • In this example we can simply use the single or double quotes to create a string and to assign a string to a variable we can simply use the equal to the operator with a string value.


Let's take an example to check how to create a string in python

          str = "John" print(str)        
  • In the above example, I have one variable which is going to be str named and using the double quotes.
  • I can create my string as John and print the result.

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python Create a string
Python Create a string

Another example to create a string in Python

In this method, we have to create a string and assign a character with a single quote.


Let's take an example to check how to create a string in Python

          string = 'Micheal' print(string)        

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Create a string in python single
Create a string in python single

Read Check if a list is empty in Python

Python create a string from a list

  • Let us see, how to create a string from a Python list.
  • Here we will perform some operations like length and create a list.
  • The list is one of the popular data structures in Python. it is basically a storage of certain items or objects. The certain items are separated by comma[,], and the list is enclosed in between square brackets [].


Let's take an example to check how to create a string from a list

          str = ['Germany',1,'England',2] print(len(str)) # display length of the string #for displaying all the elements of string print(str)        

In the above example first, we will create a string in the form of a list and assign some characters and integer values. After that display length of the string, the output will display how many elements are there in the list and display all the elements of the string.

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python creates a string from a list
Python creates a string from a list

Python create a string of n character

  • In this section, we will discuss how to create a string of n characters.
  • Here, we will create a multi-line string and add a newline(\n) character.
  • In this example, we can easily use the newline(\n) character to display a new line string.


Let's take an example to check how to create a string of n character

          string = "Java is a programming language\n Sql is a database" print(string)        

In the above example, we can simply use the double quote to create a string and assign to string multiline characters and newline characters(\n).

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python creates a string of n character
Python creates a string of n character

Read How to convert list to string in Python

Another method to create a string of n character

  • We can easily use the Python join() function to create a string of n characters.
  • This method takes all specified items in a sequence and joins them into one string.
  • In this example, the join() method can be used to add newline(\n) characters in the string.


          str1 =['Germany','France','Australia','England','Switzerland'] str2='\n' print(str2.join(str1))        

In the above example first, we will create a string and assign an element. After that create a new string and add a newline character(\n) to it and join them into one string.

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python creates a string of n character join method
Python creates a string of n character join method

Python create a string with variables

  • Let us see how to create a string with variables in Python
  • A variable is like a memory allocation where you store a value. Now this value have store you may or may to changed in future.
  • To create a variable we just have to assign a value to it.
  • Here to create a string, put the iterable or items of characters inside whether it is single quote or double quote and then assign it to a variable.


Let's take an example to check how to create a string with a variable.

          var = "Micheal" print(var)        

In the above example, we will create a variable and assign them a string, "Micheal" and print the result.

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python creates a string with variables
Python creates a string with variables

Read Comment lines in Python

Python create a string of same character

  • In this section, we will discuss Python creates a string of same character. Here we will use the repetition operator in Python.
  • The repetition operator is using the * symbol to represent multiplication.
  • It is useful for repeating string to a certain length.


          str = "Micheal is a good programmer" * 3   print(str)        

In the above example first, we will create a string assign a multiline string in a double quote, and apply the multiplication operator.

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python creates a string of same character
Python creates a string of the same character

Python create a string with newline

  • In this section, we will discuss Python creates a string with a newline.
  • When a print function finds backslash (\n) in a text string it knows to start a new line you can use backslash n as many times as needed in the string.
  • In this example, we can easily use the newline(\n) character that means the current line ends at that point and the new line starts.


Let's take an example to check how to create a string with a newline

          str = "John is a\npython\ndeveloper"   print(str)        

In the above example first, we will create a string and assign the multiline characters in double-quotes and use the newline(\n) character.

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python creates a string with newline
Python creates a string with a newline

Read Python NumPy max with examples

Another method to create a string with newline

  • In this method, we can easily use the function print to display new string.
  • Print function has default value end parameter which assign a backslash(\n) value.


Here is the Syntax of the print function

          print      (       object(s),       sep=separator,       end=end,       file=file,       flush=flush      )        
  • In this method we use only end parameter
  • end: Its an optional parameter. Its specify what to print at the end. By default its value is \n.


Let's take an example to check how to create a string with a newline.

          print("Germany") print("China") print("England") print("France")        

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python create a string with newline print method
Python creates a string with the newline print method

Python create a string from dictionary

  • Let us discuss now, how to create a string from Python dictionary.
  • Dictionary in Python is mutuable also it has key-value pairs which is like a map that we have in other programming languages.
  • If we have a string input and we want to resemble a dictionary object.
  • Here we can use the eval() function. The eval() method passes the expression and runs python expression(code) inside the programm.


Let's take an example to check how to create a string from a dictionary

          str = "{'John':30,'smith':20,'George':80}" my_dict= eval(str) print(my_dict) print(my_dict['John']) print(my_dict['George'])        

In the above example first, we initialize a string and assign a key-value pair elements. After that use eval() method and print the result.

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python creates a string from dictionary
Python creates a string from a dictionary

Read Python dictionary append with examples

Another method create a string from dictionary

  • In this method, we can easily use the generator expression() method.
  • A generator expression is similar to list comprehension that means the iterable expression is immediately evaluated.
  • In this example we will check, If we have a string input and we want to resemble a dictionary object then we can easily use the generator ) method.


Here is the Syntax of the generator expression()

          generator_expression ::= "(" expression _for")"        


Let's take an example to check how to create a string into a dictionary

          str = "Australia - 60, France - 90, England - 80" my_Dict = dict((m.strip(), n.strip())              for m, n in (value.split('-')               for value in str.split(', ')))    print(my_Dict) print(my_Dict['Australia']) print(my_Dict['England'])        

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python creates a string from dictionary generator method
Python creates a string from the dictionary generator method

Read Python Dictionary update

Python create a string from double quotes

  • In this section, we will discuss Python create a string from double quotes.
  • Double quotes represents strings in python. To enclose your string you can use double quotes, You can also use single quotes to close your string.
  • The most important thing is Python does not allow us to provide double quotes inside of double quotes same in the case of single quotes.


Let's take an example to check how to create a string from double quotes

          str = "Micheal is a python developer" # Double quotes print(str)        

In the above code, You can see that first, we create a string by using double quotes and after that assign the variable str inside the print function.

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python creates a string from double quotes
Python creates a string from double quotes

While in the case of double quotes inside of double quotes

Let's take an example and check whether it is correct or not in case of double quotes inside of double quotes in python

          str = ""Micheal is a python developer"" # Double quotes print(str)        

In the above code, you can see that we have used double quotes inside of double quotes in the string.

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python double quotes inside double quotes
Python double quotes inside double quotes

As you can see that the code has not been successfully run because when we create a string and use double quotes inside of double quotes it will show an invalid syntax error. So in the case of Python, you can only use double quotes in the string.

Python create string from list of characters

  • In this section, we will discuss Python create string from list of characters.
  • Here, we will use the Python join(iterable) function to convert list of characters into string.
  • The join(iterable) method is useful to create a string from the iterable sequence characters.
  • This method returns a new string and joins every single character which is present in the given list.


Let's take an example to check how to create a string from a list of characters

          list = ["john","is","a","good","boy"] # list of characters str = "".join(list) print(str)        

In the above code, As you can see that first we have created a list and assign them characters. After that create an str variable and use the join() function. It will display the result in the form of string.

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python creates string from list of characters
Python creates string from list of characters

Read Invalid syntax in python

Another example to create string from list of characters

Let's take an example to check another way how to create a string from a list of characters by using the traverse a string method

          list = ["Austrailia","Germany","France","England","Switzerland"]  def char(list):     str1=""     for x in list:         str1+= x     return str1 print(char(list))        

In the above example first, we will create a list and initialize of string to "" and traverse a string by using for loop method. It will return a new string.

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python create string from list of character by traversing method
Python create string from list of character by traversing method

Python create string from list with seperator

  • In this section, we will discuss how to create string from list with seperator in Python.
  • In this method we can easily use the join() function to convert list seperator with string.
  • This method joins each list character or element into a comma-separated string.
  • By using .join(iterable) with a comma-separated, "*" as a string variable and a list as an iterable sequence.
  • This method appends or concatenates each element of the list using a comma-separator and always returns a new string form.


Let's take an example to check how to create a string from the list with a separator

          list = ["Jenkins","is","a","automation","tool"] # list of characters str = "*".join(list) print(str)        

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python creates string from list with seperator
Python create a string from the list with separator

Another way to check how to create a string from the list with a separator.

Let's take an example to create a string from the list with separator by using loop+str() method

          list = ["mangoes","apple","Grapes","orange"]     new_str = "&"   out = ''  for char in list:     out = out + str(char) + new_str print("Final string : " + str(out))        

In the above example, First, we initialize a list and delimiter. After that using the loop method to add a new_str variable. The output will display that all the elements in the given list are concatenated with "&" as joiner.

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python create string from list with separator by loop method
Python create string from list with separator by loop method

Read syntaxerror invalid character in identifier python3

Python create string with single quotes

  • Let us see, how to create string with single quotes.
  • Single quotes represents strings in python.
  • To enclose your string you can use single quotes, You can also use double quotes to close your string.


Let's take an example to check how to create a string with single quotes in Python.

          str = 'James potter' print(str)        

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python creates string with single quotes
Python creates string with single quotes

Python create string with multiple variables

  • In this section, we will discuss how to create string with multiple variables.
  • Here we will create three variable and assign a string character in single quotes.
  • It will display all the strings.


Let's take an example to check how to create a string with multiple variables

          str = 'James potter' str1 = 'Micheal lucifier' str3 = 'Mathew hayden' print(str,str1,str3)        

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python creates string with multiple variables
Python creates string with multiple variables

Read: Slicing string in Python

Single vs double quotes in python

  • In python, single quotes and double quotes both the ways are correct and gives the same output. However, in certain situations, it depends upon the requirement we can use quotes together in the same string.
  • The choice between both types depends on the programmers.
  • Generally, double quotes are used for string representation and single quotes are used for regular expressions.


          print('It's Python Guides')        

Solution– The above example gives an error because a single quote after "it" is considered as the end of the string and the rest part is not considered as a string, so it throws an error invalid syntax. The correct way is double-quote. So, depending upon the requirement we can use the quotes.

          print("It's Python Guides")        

So from the above example, we are able to distinguish the use of single and double-quotes. You can refer to the below screenshot for output:

Single and double quotes in python
Single vs double quotes in python


          print('You are "good"')        

If you want to print the output with double quotes in python, then you have to give the single quotes to print the string "good" which is a double quote. It requires the simultaneous use of both. You can refer to the below screenshot.

Single vs double quotes in python
Single vs double quotes in python

Here is Single vs double quotes in python difference.

You may like following below Python Tutorials:

  • Python 3 string replace() method example
  • Python compare strings
  • Python find substring in string
  • Could not convert string to float Python
  • Multiply in Python with Examples
  • How to handle indexerror: string index out of range in Python

In this python tutorial, we discuss Python Create a string with a few examples.

  1. Python String
  2. Create a string in Python
  3. How to declare and assign a variable to a string in Python
  4. Multiline strings in python
  5. Python Create a string
  6. Examples of how to create a string in Python
  7. Python create a string from a list
  8. Python create a string of n character
  9. Python create a string with variables
  10. Python create a string of same character
  11. Python create a string with newline
  12. Python create a string from dictionary
  13. Python create a string from double quotes
  14. Python create string from list of characters
  15. Python create string from list with seperator
  16. Python create string with single quotes
  17. Python create string with multiple variables
  18. Single vs double quotes in python


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